STEAM Saturday – Gumdrop Christmas Trees! (12/10/2022)

We’re betting there are a lot of sweets around your house this time of year.  We’ve got a great opportunity to use those sweets to get your kid thinking about geometry and creative engineering.  Today, we’re going to make gumdrop Christmas trees!

Here’s what you need for this fun and easy activity:

  • Gum drops or spice drops (whichever is your favorite)
  • Tooth picks
  • Wood skewers
  • A wet towel and a dry towel (for sticky fingers)

Lay your supplies out on a tray for your child, and challenge them to build you a forest of trees!  Which shapes can they use to make their trees the most sturdy?  How tall can they build a tree?  How many different sizes and shapes can they build?  Let their imagination run wild!  Then maybe you can both have a sweet treat when the project is over. 🙂

Get the full project from Left Brain Craft Brain HERE.

As always, get as creative as you want, and above all, have lots of fun learning together!

We’ll see you right back here next Saturday for another STEAM Saturday activity!  Scroll through the rest of our website to learn how Critchlow Adkins is Building Brighter Futures for the children and families we serve!

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