Community Partners
“It takes a village to raise a child.”
At Critchlow Adkins Children’s Centers, we see firsthand the proof of this adage every single day. We are proud to have such a large and caring village. They help raise our kids, and provide them with resources to encourage their success, in school and in life!

Click the links below to discover how these partners make a difference in our children’s lives!
Academy Art Museum
The Academy Art Museum comes to our sites throughout the year and leads the children in art projects while teaching them about different artistic styles. When the museum reopens, the students will take field trips to see their exhibits. The Academy provides busing at no charge.

Talbot Co. Child Care Association
All five of our sites participated in Adkins Arboretum's Fairy Fest in 2024 by designing and building incredible fairy houses!

Appleseed Books
Appleseed Books collects gently used and new books so that we can distribute them to children of all ages who lack access to reading materials. We are partnering with Appleseed books both to collect books to help build children's libraries and to distribute books to the children in our program!

Boy Scouts of America
In 2021, a Boy Scout attained his Eagle Scout ranking by building a deck for the White Marsh site. Our students use the deck for outdoor playtime, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) activities, picnics, and more! The Boy Scouts also host a weekly meeting at one of our sites for our children!

University of Maryland Extension
Candlelight Cove is a senior living and memory care facility in Easton. They invite Critchlow Adkins to participate in their Easter events, including an egg hunt and their peeps display contest. They have also invited our children to come for Halloween festivities.

CarePacks of Talbot County
CarePacks is a free weekend food program aimed at preventing hunger among Talbot County’s most economically vulnerable students and their families.

Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center
The Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center provides in-house field trips educating the children about nature and the Bay. There is a cost for this program.

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum offers field trips to their campus for students in our summer programs. CBMM provides busing at no charge.

Chesapeake College
The Chesapeake College Child Care Resource Center provides childcare classes required for training. Critchlow pays for these classes. Additionally, staff can use college resources to gather ideas for lesson plans and activities.

Choptank Community Health
Our students, families, and staff are all eligible to enroll with Choptank Community Health to receive health and dental services.

Eastern Shore Speech Therapy
Eastern Shore Speech Therapy visits several of the sites to provide speech therapy. Parents pay through insurance and we provide the space.

Our campers frequently visit Easton Cinemas in the summer time. The movies they watch are often related to the summer camp's weekly theme!

Easton and St. Michaels VFD
The Easton and St. Michaels Volunteer Fire Departments bring their fire trucks and provide on-site activities for the students, as well as field trips to their stations.

Environmental Concern
The Environmental Concern provides in-house environmental based field trips. There is a cost for this program.

Family Affair Farm
Students take field trips to Family Affair Farm, which is located on Route 50 (formerly Council Farms). CACC pays for transportation.

Girl Scouts of America
A local Girl Scout Troop holds weekly meetings at one of our sites. This is a free program for the children enrolled in Critchlow.

Healthy Talbot
Healthy Talbot is a project of the Talbot Family Network. They believe that healthy communities are made up of healthy families. As a result, they seek to link local families and individuals to information and resources that can help them lead healthier, happier lives.

Imagination Library
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth to age five, no matter their family’s income.

Imagination Library of Talbot County teams up with Critchlow Adkins to sign our children up for one free book per month until they are 5 years old. ILTC is a subsidiary of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.

Local musician Judy Amdur visits with each of our sites to play guitar and sing with our children at no cost to CACC.

Talbot County Judy Center
The Judy Center provides community resources, such as parent education, medical/dental/mental health services, adult education opportunities, housing, employment, and childcare options, home visiting services, and playgroups. Their goal is to ensure all children enter school with the readiness skills they need to succeed.

Lion’s Club
The local Lion’s Club provides free vision tests to our preschool children, ages 3 and 4.

Lion’s Club
The Maryland Zoo sends animal exploration kits to our sites each year so our students can learn more about the world around them.

Oral Health Department
The Oral Health Department visits all of our sites to teach our children about good oral health. They pass out oral hygiene products like toothbrushes. This is a free service for all children enrolled in our program.

Pickering Creek Audubon Center
Our students have taken field trips to visit Pickering Creek in previous years. We hope to reengage with them so that our children can continue learning about our local environment. Their programs are free, but Critchlow pays for transportation.

Police Departments
Our local first responders visit our sites and provide our students with fire truck tours, health and safety training, and more!

We began partnering with Positive Strides in the summer of 2024. Our children enjoy their time at the center, learning how to measure horses with their hands, walking horses around a ring, braiding manes and tails, and more!

Project Right Steps
Project Right Steps is a free service that addresses the needs of childcare providers and parents that are dealing with children (0-5) with challenging behaviors. Project Right Steps is designed to support changes in the child's behavior through the specialist's work with both the child care provider and the family.

Ready At Five
Ready At Five is committed to comprehensive school readiness for all Maryland children. Our vision is that every child in Maryland has the foundational skills needed for success in school, career and life

S.O.S. Sink Or Swim
SOS Sink Or Swim provides two weeks of free swim lessons to the children enrolled in our summer camp program. Critchlow covers the cost of transportation to and from the pool.

St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul donates food items to families in our program. They also provide items such as books and supplies at little to no cost to Critchlow.

St. Michaels Community Center
The St. Michaels Community Center partners with our St. Michaels site for a Community Thanksgiving meal. We donate canned goods and helps serve food. Critchlow also participates in their ArtScape activity and they provide transportation for our kids to all of their activities.

Talbot County Free Libraries
All of our sites take field trips to the library to participate in their reading programs and planned activities. Some sites only visit during the summer, and others visit multiple times during the year. The programs are free, and Critchlow pays for transportation.

Talbot County Health Department
The Talbot County Health Department provides health and vision screening for the four-year-olds in our program.

Talbot Co. Infants & Toddlers
The goal of the Talbot County Infants and Toddlers Program is to provide family-centered support and services to infants and toddlers with delays/disabilities to help them reach their potential and be prepared for school.

University of Maryland Extension
Talbot County Parks and Recreation partners with SOS Sink or Swim to provide free swimming lessons to our summer campers at the Bay Hundred Pool in St. Michaels and the George Murphy Pool in Easton.

Talbot County Public Schools
Four of our 5 sites are located within Talbot County Elementary Schools, and our fifth is located on TCPS property. This makes the transition from care to school back to care easy and seamless for parents and helps us to keep our costs down.

Talbot Family Network
Talbot Family Network concentrates on prevention, early intervention and intervention services to children, youth and families in Talbot County.

Talbot Interfaith Shelter
Critchlow supports families who are working their way towards financial independence through Talbot Interfaith Shelter's S4 Program (Shelter, Stability, Support, Success) to ensure that their children have quality childcare.

University of Maryland Extension
Talbot Thrive is a local organization dedicated to healthy and safe outdoor mobility. They are partnering with our sites to provide materials promoting bike safety, assisting with our annual trike-a-thons for St. Jude's, and inviting our children to participate in their bike safety events!

Trident Aircraft
Trident Aircraft hosts a wonderful Christmas party for our Preschool Site each December. Trident provides goodie bags and cookies and milk at no cost. Critchlow pays for transportation.

University of Maryland Extension
The University of Maryland extension program comes to several of our sites and teaches the children and parents about healthy eating. Traditionally, they make a meal with the families in the evening.

U.S. Armed Forces
Members of the US Navy, Army, and Air Force visit our sites to see the children. Our children also send scrolls filled with drawings and messages of support to troops from the local area.

The 4-H partners with our sites by providing plants for each Critchlow site garden. They also visit, help with the gardening, and teach the children about where their food comes from.

U.S. Armed Forces
Members of the US Navy, Army, and Air Force visit our sites to see the children. Our children also send scrolls filled with drawings and messages of support to troops from the local area.

The 4-H partners with our sites by providing plants for each Critchlow site garden. They also visit, help with the gardening, and teach the children about where their food comes from.

Would your organization like to join our village? Contact us below!
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