Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. During Dr. King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech, he said, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed — we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”
This week for STEAM Saturday, we are sharing an science experiment you can do with your child to illustrate the importance of treating people equally.
Before diving into your experiment, take some time to learn about Dr. King and his important legacy. There are many online resources you can explore online, including:
There are also many children’s books about Dr. King, including I am Martin Luther King, Jr., by Brad Meltzer. We have provided a read along of the book below!
Now that we’ve learned lots of interesting information about Dr. King, let’s look at the science of equality! Today, we are going to begin a days-long experiment designed to find out what happens when you treat people kindly, and when you treat them poorly.
Get 2 small plants. Make sure they come with care instructions, so you know how to properly care for them. When you get home, follow the care instructions for one plant, while neglecting the other plant. Have your child write down what he/she thinks will happen to each plant. Observe the plant after 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days, etc. Write down what you see.
Now have your child imagine that these plants are people. What happens when you treat a person well and give them the proper care? What happens when you treat a person poorly and without care? You and your child can then have a conversation about the importance of treating everyone with care and kindness.
As always, be as creative as you want, and above all, have lots of fun learning together!
We’ll see you right back here next Saturday for another STEAM Saturday activity! Scroll through the rest of our website to learn how Critchlow Adkins is Building Brighter Futures for the children and families we serve!