STEAM Saturday – 3D Hearts! (2/1/2025)

Shapes made with white school glue and sand

It’s never too early to celebrate Valentine’s Day!  We’re kicking off the month of love with a technological twist this STEAM Saturday by learning about 3D printing while making 3D hearts with sand!

Tracing a shape in sand with white school glueAll you need for this simple and interesting experiment is:

  • Colored craft sand
  • White school glue
  • A clear plastic cup or food storage container
  • Measuring spoons

Now that you’ve gathered all of your supplies, let’s make 3D hearts!  First, put an even, thick layer of craft sand at the bottom of your container.  It should be around 5 mm deep.  Next, use your school glue to trace a heart (or other) shape in the sand.  Cover the shape with another thin layer of sand, making sure that you can still see the shape through the sand.  Do not bury it.

A 3D shape made with sand and glueNow, add another layer of glue, tracing along the first layer so it holds the same shape.  Add sand, making sure that the shape is still visible.  Repeat this process until your shape is as tall as you want it to be.  After putting the final layer of glue on, cover the shape completely with sand so that it is buried and you can no longer see it in the container.

Wait 24-48 hours and check to see if your shape has hardened.  If it is squishy, it could break, so leave it in the sand longer until it is completely dry.  Once it has fully hardened, you can remove it from the sand, and you’ve got a 3D shape!

So, what’s the science behind this experiment?  This activity was a representation of how the process of 3D printing works.  When you make something using a 3D printer, it uses something called “additive manufacturing.”  This basically means that it builds something by adding one layer at a time.  Sometimes this is plastic, sometimes liquid, and sometimes a powder-like substance.

Check out the full experiment and more about the science of 3D Printing from Science Buddies here!

You can also watch the video below to see the experiment in action!

As always, be as creative as you want, and above all, have lots of fun learning together!

We’ll see you right back here next Saturday for another STEAM Saturday activity!  Scroll through the rest of our website to learn how Critchlow Adkins is Building Brighter Futures for the children and families we serve!

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