July 2022 STEAM

A July STEAM project YOU can do at home!

This month, several of our sites visited the Harriet Tubman Museum in Cambridge.  Before they left for their field trip, the children at our School Age Site in Easton made Courage Lanterns, inspired by the often-seen image of the courageous Harriet Tubman holding a lantern up to guide slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad. We thought we would share with you how YOU can make one with your little one at home.


Before working on the project, read Harriet Tubman: Hero of the Underground Railroad by Lori Mortensen.  This book is the inspirational story of Harriet’s birth, life, and amazing, selfless achievements (Access a read-along video HERE).

This project focuses heavily on the “Art” element of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math).

In addition to sparking your child’s creativity, making their courage lantern will help them to think of ways in which they show courage in their daily lives.  This very simple activity requires only construction paper, tape or glue, scissors, and markers.  

Here’s how it works:  Fold your paper in half widthwise (like a hot dog bun).  Use your scissors to cut slits from the folded side to about an inch away from the edge.  Make the slits as close together or far apart as you’d like.

Unfold your paper.  In between the slits, there will be strips of paper.  On each strip, have your child write something they do that is courageous.   Now, turn the paper lengthwise and tape or glue the edges together so you form a cylinder shape.  The slits should be going up and down the lantern.  Finally, take another piece of paper and cut a strip to use as the handle to your lantern.  Attach the handle and hang the lantern somewhere prominent where it can remind your child to always be courageous!

For the full activity from Grace & Grit, click HERE.

As always, get as creative as you want, and above all else, have lots of fun learning together!

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