It’s #STEAMSaturday! Today, we are exploring art and learning about sound waves by making our own kazoos!
This project could not be more simple and fun! All you need is:
- a cardboard tube (like a toilet paper or paper towel roll)
- wax paper
- rubber bands
- a sharp pencil or other sharp object to poke holes
- art supplies for decorating

Cover one end of your tube with wax paper and secure it in place using a rubber band. Use your sharp pencil to poke a hole (or holes) in the side of the tube. Then put the open end of the tube to your mouth and hum! Use your art supplies to decorate your instrument however you’d like.
This is a great project to ask questions and get your child thinking about how sound works. What sounds do you hear? What can you do to change them? Does varying the length of the tube make a difference? How about covering the holes on the side?
Click HERE to access the full project from Buggy and Buddy.
As always, get as creative as you can, and of course, have LOTS of fun together.
We’ll see you right back here next Saturday for another STEAM Saturday activity! Scroll through the rest of our website to learn how Critchlow Adkins is Building Brighter Futures for the children and families we serve!