Welcome back to Steam Saturday! Today, we are inspired by ART, specifically the concept of pointillism, made famous by French painter Georges Seurat. In pointillism, the painter uses small dots of pure color, spaced very close together, to make a complete picture when viewed from a distance. This simple project from Little Bins for Little Hands allows your child to create a winter scene using pointillism. It is also a great activity to help with concentration and fine motor skills.
For this project, all you’ll need is black paper (or any color that contrasts well with white), white paint, toothpicks, and a printer. Click HERE to see the full activity and print out your template for the winter scene your child will be creating. In no time, your child will be a mini-Seurat!
We’ll see you right back here next Saturday for another STEAM Saturday activity! Scroll through the rest of our website to learn how Critchlow Adkins is Building Brighter Futures for the children and families we serve!